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Chapter 9 Democracy and Human Rights 

Class 11 English 


Robertson Davies 

Ways With Words 

A. Find the words in the text that mean the same as the following. The first
letters are given. 

a. the system that completely separated black people from white people

b. formal objection (protest

c. an ethical group of people (tribe

d. an act undertaken to achieve a set goal (campaign

e. the formal beginning of any movement (inauguration

f. a strong feeling of excitement and happiness (exhilaration

g. being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions (emancipation

B. Find these words in a dictionary and write their meanings as they are used
in the text. 

a. liberty 

the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by
authority on one’s way of life, behaviour, or political views. 

b. conflict 

a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one. 

c. ideology 

a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic
or political theory and policy. 

d. oppression 

prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority. 

e. privilege 

a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular
person or group. 

f. dignity 

the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect.

g. surrender 

stop resisting to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. 

h. reconciliation 

the restoration of friendly relations. 

C. The ‘d’ or ‘ed’ in the following verbs have different pronunciation. Put these
verbs in the correct box. 

[asked, killed, missed, ended, decided, washed, visited, lasted, watched,
picked, smiled, fixed, walked, blessed, brushed, stopped, wanted, reached,
laughed, enjoyed] 


asked, missed, washed, watched, picked, fixed, walked, blessed (v), brushed,
stopped, reached, laughed 


killed, smiled


ended, decided, visited, lasted, blessed (adj), wanted, enjoyed 

D. Put these nouns into the correct box according to the pronunciation of the
plural suffix: s/es. 

[cats, dogs, horses, houses, books, roofs, boys, rooms, girls, noises, shops,
trees, pages, babies, benches, classes] 


cats, books, roofs, shops 


dogs, boys, rooms, girls, trees, 


horses, houses, noises, pages, babies, benches, classes 


Answer these questions. 

a. What were the restrictions imposed on the Blacks in South Africa? 

Answer: The restrictions imposed on the Blacks in South Africa were Racial
segregation, and political and economic discrimination.

b. Why was Mandela arrested? 

Answer: Mandela was arrested because he was charged with organizing an
armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). 

c. How did he describe racism and racial oppression? 

Answer: He described racism and racial oppression as the pernicious ideology
and practice. 

d. Why did he thank all the international guests? 

Answer: He thanked all the international guests for coming to take possession
about peace and justice with the people of his country. 

e. Why did he think that people in his country had achieved political

Answer: He thought that people in his country had achieved political
emancipation to liberate themselves from the continuing bondage of poverty,
deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. 

f. What is the main point of Mandela’s speech? 

Answer: The main point of Mandela’s speech is that people of South Africa
should build a society where there will be justice, peace and equality for all

Critical Thinking 

a. What does Mandela mean when he says – a rainbow nation at peace with
itself and the world? 

Answer: When Mandela says – a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the
world he means that South Africans should build a society where both black
and white will be able to walk, talk with each other without any fear. We know
that rainbow is the combination of seven different colors. So by saying a
rainbow nation he is trying to convey us a message that whenever all the
peoples unite as like the colors in the rainbow then only there will be peace. 

In South Africans cultures, the rainbow symbolizes hope and bright future.
South Africa is referred to a Rainbow Nation to describe the unity of various
cultural, racial or ethnic groups in the country. During the segregation period,
peoples were divided on the basis of skin color. Mandela wants them to live
and work together in unity like the colors in a rainbow. He wished they could
forget the ferocious and brutal past and put their hand in hand with each other
and maintain a peaceful nation. 

b. Mandela should have avenged those who imprisoned him for such a long
period. Instead, he followed the path of reconciliation. Why do you think he did

Answer: If Mandela has avenged those ho had prisoned him then he won’t be
able to reach his destination. Mandela led his country wisely and promoted
national reconciliation. He was a man of true words. He fought for his own
people for a long period and was also imprisoned when he raised his voice
against the authorities. However, after coming out of jail he did not avenge
those who had put him in trouble. Because he believed that avenge and enmity
cause disorder among people and by doing so he would lose the support of the

c. Why and how have societies struggled with segregation in the world? Do you
find any evidence of segregation in your society? Discuss. 

Answer: Segregation is the separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic
group by enforced or voluntary residence in a restricted area, by barriers to
social intercourse or separate educational facilities or by other discriminatory
means. Many people of the world are struggling with social separation problem
in the world. Racial segregation is one of many types of segregation, which can
range from deliberate and systematic persecution through more subtle types of
discrimination to self-imposed separation. Cast segregation is one of the most
common forms of segregation in the Hindu culture. Any types of segregation
can lead to chaos and violence. 

Yes I have found the evidneces of segregation in my society. Although, the
Nepalese Constitution Law doesn’t allow any segregation in terms of religion,
caste and ethnicity but still it is prevalent in our society. However, since the
unification of Nepal in the 18th century, Nepal’s various non-Hindu ethnic
nationalities and tribes, previously called “Matwalis” (alcohol-drinkers) and
now termed as “Adivasi/Janajati” (indigenous/nationalities), have been
incorporated within the caste hierarchy to varying degrees of success. Despite
the forceful integration by the state into the pan-Hindu social structure, the
traditionally non-Hindu groups and tribes do not necessarily adhere to the
customs and practices of the caste segregation. 


a. Nepal has topsy-turvy political history. Many changes have been observed in
different times. Write a short biography of any Nepali freedom fighter
incorporating the changes brought under his/her leadership. 

Ganesh Man Singh
Ganesh Man Singh was born on November 9, 1915 and was commander of the
popular 1990 Janaandolan. Singh was also one of the main leaders of the
Nepali Congress movement of 1951, which overthrew the Rana regime. More than anything else, Ganesh Man was a rebel and a freedom fighter. He was a
popular hero and his exploits are legendary. He was a man of small proportions
but charismatic, fearless, and physically very strong. He was never afraid of
taking risks in his political career. He was a straightforward and frank leader in
dealing with all. 

Ganesh Man was a rare breed amongst Nepali politicians—a man of integrity.
He demonstrated his greatness through his leadership, rising above petty
personal interests. Recognising his outstanding contribution to the field of
democracy and human rights, Ganesh Man was honored by the United Nations
with the ‘Human Rights Award’ in 1993. He was the first statesman from South
Asia to receive this prestigious award. He also received the ‘United States Peace
Run Prize’ in 1990 for his contribution to peace in Nepal and the world. He was
also decorated with the ‘U Thant Peace Award’. He has become immortalised
as a great leader that the nation and its citizens, without any political barriers,
feel proud of. No other national leader has been able to fill the political vacuum
after his death. 


B. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. Use one of these verbs.
[drink, visit, leave, roam, quit] 

a. You have really done a wonderful job. I recommend you shouldn’t leave it. 

b. That’s a very dangerous area. Tourists shouldn’t visit there. 

c. I’m going to be late. Do you think I should leave now? 

d. Children shouldn’t drink sugary drinks. It’s not very healthy. 

e. I have lots of homework. I shouldn’t roam here and there today. 

C. Put in had better or should. 

a. I think you should learn English to enroll a university course. 

b. It’s a great film. You should go and see it. 

c. I have to meet my friend in ten minutes. I had better go now or I’ll be late. 

d. These biscuits are delicious. You should try one. 

e. We had better get to the airport by 2 pm or else we may miss the flight. 

f. When people are driving, they should keep their eyes on the road. 

g. I should get up early tomorrow. I’ve got a lot to do.